Industry leader in performance off-road parts


So this morning it was a cold and windy day, the forecast was only a 30% chance of rain, plenty low enough for me to ride.  So I left my warm windless house got on my XR and headed out to the Starbucks to do some work.  For the first hour I was there it was fine, still cold but no rain.  I figured I had plenty of time to work and so I kept at it.  At that point it started to sprinkle only a little at first but enough that I decided to move my motorcycle out of the rain and under the over hang by the window I was working at.  This turned out to be the smartest decision I made all day.  Within a few minuets of doing this the rain decided to come down and with a fury.  The wind is still going strong and the temperature has dropped, all in all it turned out to be a pretty bad day for a ride.  I know not everyone minds the rain, and after living in Hawaii for 4 years I learned, by necessity, how to ride in the rain.  My real problem is the wind.  When a 40 mph gust picks up, and that is what they are calling for today, and you are not ready for it it is a really heart stopper.  Add on top of that the cold and you got a triple whammy.  The only thing that would make this worse would be snow, and now that I said that it will probably start doing that as well.  Luckily for me I only live a few miles from this Starbucks, so I am not to concerned.  Heres to days turned bad, may they be few and far between.Image

Not the best photo, but if you look real hard you can see the pools of water in the parking lot.  It wasn’t like that 10 min before this photo.

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